Represents the environment for your business or proposition on Firmhouse.
availableCountries ([
The available countries for this project
availableCountryStates (
The available states per country for this project
The currency of the project
The current stock of a project
The available discount codes for this project
dynamicOrderStrategy (
The type of the dynamic order strategy for this project
The extra fields for this project
freeShipmentFromCents (
The threshold that will make shipment free in cents (works in combination with Firmhouse shipping methods)
ID to identify the project with
The payment provider of this project
The available plans for this project
Image of the main product of the project
Name of the main product of the project
The available products for this project
The available promotions for this project
Deprecated: Will be removed.
shippingCostsExclTaxCents (
Deprecated: Will be removed.
subscriptionLimitEnabled (
Whether the amount of subscriptions is limited
The available tax rates for this project
Token to identify the project with
twoStepCancellationEnabled (
Whether two-step cancellation is enabled for this project
Whether two step signup is enabled for this project
Project last updated since