Argument | Description |
input (UpdateSubscribedPlanInput!) | Parameters for UpdateSubscribedPlan |
Argument | Description |
id (ID!) | The ID of the SubscribedPlan to update. |
nextBillingDate (ISO8601Date) | The new date at which the next billing cycle will occur. |
planId (ID) | The new plan associated the subscription should change to. |
billingCycleIntervalUnit (BillingCycleIntervalUnit) | The unit of the interval the billing cycle runs |
billingCycleInterval (Int) | The interval at which the billing cycle runs according to the unit set in billingCycleIntervalUnit. |
customRecurringAmountCents (Int) | A custom recurring amount different from the default plan price. |
customInitialAmountCents (Int) | A custom initial amount different from the default plan initial amount |
trialPeriodUnit (CommitmentUnit) | The interval defining trial period length according to the unit set in trialPeriodIntervalUnit. |
trialPeriodPeriod (Int) | The unit of the interval defining the trial period length set in trialPeriodInterval |
maximumCommitmentUnit (MaximumCommitmentUnit) | The unit of the interval for maximum commitment terms |
maximumCommitmentPeriod (Int) | The period interval for maximum commitment terms |
maximumCommitmentEndsAt (ISO8601Date) | The date at which the maximum commitment ends |
minimumCommitmentUnit (CommitmentUnit) | The unit of the interval for minimum commitment terms |
minimumCommitmentPeriod (Int) | The period interval for minimum commitment terms |
minimumCommitmentEndsAt (ISO8601Date) | The date at which the minimum commitment ends |